Human Evolution

Concept Explanation

Human Evolution

The fossil evidence clearly indicates that origin of man occurred in central Asia, china, Java and India (shivalik hills).

(i) The common ancestor of apes and man is a primate Dryopithecus. The next stage was Ramapithecus in the hominid evolution.

(ii) Both were hairy and walked like gorillas and chimpanzees. Ramapithecus was more like man and was the fore-runner of hominid evolution but Dryopithecus was more ape-like.

The human evolution took place as follows :

Human Ancestors Time of origin General Features
Dryopithecus 20-25 mya Ape-like hairy, ate soft fruits and leaves. Arms and legs of same length, large, brain.
Ramapithecus 14-15 mya More man-like, walked more erect, teeth like modern man.
Australopithecus 3-4 mya Forssils found in Tanzania and Ethiopia, man-like primates, feet tall, walked upright, ate fruits, hunted with stone, weapons, brain capacity was 400-600 cc.
Homo habilis 2 mys Fossils found in East Africa grasslands, first human-like being, brain capacity 650-800 cc, did not eat meat.
Homo crectus (Java man) 1.5 mya Fossils found in Java Man), brain capacity 900 cc, probably ate meat.

Homo sapiens

neandert halesis (Primitive man)              

1,00,000-40,000 years ago

Known as neanderthal man (Homo sapiens neanderthalesis).

Fossils found in East and Central Asia, brain size 1400 cc, used hides to protect body, buried their dead. they became extinct 25000 years ago.

Homo sapiens (Modern Man)

75,000-10,000 years ago (Ice age) Developed cave art around 18,000 years before, agriculture started around 10,000 years back. Human settlement and civilisation started.
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